Writer of kids’ books, climate fiction, & stories of
home/lessness & pain, love & faith & running away…
All broken into beauty ~
Anneliese Schultz, Author.
Writer of kids’ books, climate fiction, & stories of
home/lessness & pain, love & faith & running away…
All broken into beauty ~
Anneliese writes short stories, novels and flash fiction in Richmond, BC, Boulder, CO, and points between on the train. After teaching Italian (and then ‘Green Italian’, incorporating sustainability) at UBC, she now works at an extreme weather shelter when not riding the rails or locked down above the border. More and more of her work is set in the near future in a climate-changed world, aka cli-fi [SEE On Cli-Fi – http://laughinginthelanguage.com/my-cli-fi-manifesto/ ]
A Pushcart Prize nominee and Bread Loaf Scholar, she completed her BA in French and Italian at Middlebury, and an MA in Italian and MFA in Creative Writing at UBC. Her work has been published by Solstice, bosque, Literary Imagination, Enizagam, The Lascaux Review, Stone Canoe, The Toronto Star, and Moon Willow Press, and recognized by The Writer, Glimmer Train, Ruminate, The Writers’ Union of Canada, Cutthroat, New Millennium Writings, Hidden River Arts, the Bath Short Story Award, the Surrey International Writers’ Conference, and the Alpine Fellowship.
Shortlisted for the 2016 HarperCollins/UBC Best New Fiction Award, she has also received the Stone Canoe Galson Prize for Fiction, the ALSCW Meringoff Fiction Award and the Enizagam Literary Award in Fiction.
Today? She might be riffing on language and life with her songwriter son, plotting a sequel in her potential climate fiction series for young adults, sending out a story for the 30th time, or querying a Middle Grade novel in which diverse step-family is beset by rude ghosts …
“Rent Asunder”, in “Solstice – a magazine of diverse voices”, https://solsticelitmag.org/content/rent-asunder/
“What We Do Know How To Do”, in “Teens of Tomorrow – Stories of Near and Far-Flung Futures”, https://www.amazon.com/Teens-Tomorrow-Stories-Far-Flung-Futures-ebook/dp/B096SCTWSW/?fbclid=IwAR168X6T3yFnxBShADmyWJVUWOUZBYtOpwBJw8YwOZhbbBTp1fAg85UAi6g
“Bread”, in “bosque”, Issue 8, http://bosquepress.com/book-series/bosque-journal
“Figment of Footlights and Reverb”, in “Boundless – An Anthology of Prose”, Compass Flower Press https://www.amazon.ca/Boundless-Anthology-Prose-David-Collins/dp/1942168845
“Rockaway”, in “Stone Canoe”, Number 10 https://ymcacny.org/stone-canoe-information
“Water from the Mountain”, at http://sapiensplurum.org
“The Edible, the Beauteous and the Dead”, in “Literary Imagination”, Vol. 18, Number 1 https://www.deepdyve.com/browse/journals/literary-imagination/2016/v18/i1
“The Edible, the Beauteous and the Dead”, in “The Lascaux Prize 2015”, Lascaux Books https://www.amazon.com/Lascaux-Prize-2015-Camille-Griep/dp/0985166649
“How to Make a Proper Insalata”, in “Winds of Change – Short Stories about Our Climate”, Moon Willow Press http://www.moonwillowpress.com/winds-change/
“Child”, in “Enizagam”, http://www.store.oakarts.org/literaryarts/enizagam-volume-7
Poetry and Plays:
“May 21”, in “Tiferet” https://www.e-junkie.com/marketplace/product/510840#Spring+2016+%7C+Tiferet+Journal+Digital+Issue
“Pacific Spirit Park – For Max Approaching 10”, in “A Verse Map of Vancouver”, Anvil Press https://www.abebooks.com/Verse-Map-Vancouver-McWhirter-George-U.S.A/16409888774/bd
“Clayoquot is in Our Back Yard”, in “Witness to Wilderness: The Clayoquot Sound Anthology”, Arsenal Pulp Press https://arsenalpulp.com/Books/W/Witness-to-Wilderness
“Clayoquot is in Our Back Yard”, in “Tree Stories: A Collection of Extraordinary Encounters”, Sunshine Press Publications https://www.amazon.com/Tree-Stories-Collection-Extraordinary-Encounters/dp/1888604220
“27 Years”, one-act play performed at Gateway Theatre, Richmond, BC, and published in “Sea of Stories” https://www.richmond.ca/__shared/assets/CO_012609_Gateway_Annual_Report21894.pdf
Essays and travel writing:
“Ancestors of the Future”, at Suzuki Elders blog http://www.suzukielders.org/ancestors-of-the-future-our-role-in-a-climate-changed-world/
“End of the Line”, in “Nowhere Travel Stories” http://nowheremag.com/author/anneliese-schultz/
“Passing San Guido” and “The 5th of May”, in “Toscana Mia: The Heart and Soul of Tuscan Cooking” by Umberto Menghi https://www.amazon.com/Toscana-Mia-Heart-Tuscan-Cooking/dp/1550547216